So here we go...
A ~ Asparagus was a vegetable that was introduced to me later on in life. And, I love it. Random thought...just couldn't think of anything else for "A". In a house with a 3-yr.-old "A is for Apple" is what is stuck in my mind.
B ~ Banana hater. Yup, tis true; I do not like mushy, slimy, make me gag, bananas.
C ~ Christian. Not just a religion, title, or security blanket. I am a "little Christ follower" seeking to please Him though not always succeeding. Getting back up, seeking His forgiveness, and continuing on anew.
D ~ Directionally illiterate. I am HORRIBLE at finding my way anywhere. I have gotten better but it has always caused a few laughs for my parents to reminisce on how I got lost walking home from school one day.
E ~ Elliott's Momma. As my friend Amy's Elizabeth told her, [he's] "kissed my heart."
F ~ Friend's Forever is not a cliche statement to me. Prov. 17:17 is a verse I desperately seek to live by. I have a friend who now lives in Oregon, I haven't seen her in more years than I would like to remember but we still regularly write letters and exchange Christmas presents. This past summer I was reunited with another friend who I had not seen or talked with (until recent Facebook reconnecting) for 13 some years, and it was like we had never been a part. Friends are super important to me.
G ~ Good grief how much further is it to "Z."
H ~ Horses are my "animal of choice." Perhaps someday...
I ~ Ice cream...I LOVE ice cream!!! Definite #1 dessert.
J ~ Jiminy Cricket. I say this often as an exclamation. Not sure why and in my world it fits just about every scenario there is. I am not even sure I have ever seen Pinocchio in its entirety.
K ~ Kid at heart. I like to color, go to zoos, play with legos, etc. I am so thankful I now have a child which makes my participation in such activities to be "socially acceptable." =)
L ~ Library card carrier (and user). I love to read and read as often and as much as I can, typically mysteries. I find great joy in the fact that my child likes to go to "the house of books."
M ~ Medical Language Specialist. That's my "official title." Basically I hear voices in my head (headphones connected to the computer) and make sure to type and edit what those voices (aka doctors) are saying accurately in the document.
N ~ Need lists and organization to feel "comfortable" and get things done. Which if you saw my house right now you would scoff at. However, there are about 3 lists sitting on my coffee table of the different things I need to get done.
O ~ Obviously I can't wait until Summer comes back and soon. I am a warm weather kind of girl. I HATE to be cold!! Bring me back the sunshine.
P ~ Patriotic! Wave a flag! Stand up and support a soldier! Red, White, and Blue!
Q ~ Quiet time/nap time is one of my favorite times of the day. =) Wish it were me actually getting the nap but Elliott sleeping is a good thing too.
R ~ Rarely watch TV without the DVR any more. Whoever invented that thing was a GENIUS!!!
S ~ Scrapbook wannabe. I used to be able to scrapbook and keep current on all of my pictures. Not any more. Would love to be able to sit down and work at it once again.
T ~ Tell me again why the alphabet has so many letters...running out of things to say about myself.
U ~ Unsweetened iced tea lover and consumer. Drink of choice, hands down.
V ~ Vertically challenged. Yes, I am SHORT. My petite sized jeans drag on the ground. But, I can say I played on the starting FIVE of my college ladies basketball team!! (Just please don't ask to many questions about our team and/or season; okay?)
W ~ Writer. This is my new "thing." With this blog and posting of articles on another blog site with work I feel as though I can officially make claim to this title. I am so excited. I am no James Patterson or Mary Higgins Clark, but I do have FOUR "followers" so far!! =)
X ~ X-rays intrigue me.
Y ~ Year long shopping is how I prepare for all the necessary gifts for Christmas.
Z ~ ZZZZzzzz...could always use some more sleep. Up and working by 4:30, work 8 hrs. a day, stay-at-home mom of a 3-yr.-old at the same time. What I wouldn't give for a nap?!?
There you have it. The ABCs of Carrie. And, yes, I still firmly believe that "A is for Apple." Lol
I'm testing to see if this comment thing works. :) I'll read a this post later.